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To amplify the importance of native plants and biodiversity.

In the fall of 2022, the GCA launched a nationwide, multidisciplinary, cross-committee collaboration to promote native plants by formally establishing a Native Plant Month in all fifty states. The initiative is led by the Conservation, Horticulture, and National Affairs and Legislation committees, each chaired by volunteers from across the country. In 2024, 47 states and the District of Columbia established a Native Plant Month.  Six states have passed legislation making it permanent. This year GCA aims to renew or pass proclamations in every state and support many states that are pursuing permanent Native Plant Month legislation. 


Club members from the GCA's 200 member clubs will work to formally establish a Native Plant Month in their state. Project coordinators will enlist the assistance of established local leaders and organizations, GCA volunteers from our Conservation, Horticulture, and NAL committees, and from the general GCA membership of nearly 18,000 club members.


Native plants play a crucial role in maintaining the health and balance of ecosystems. Native plants have evolved and adapted to specific environmental conditions over thousands of years, making them well-suited to support local wildlife and other native species. There are several reasons why native plants are important:

  • Native plants provide essential habitats and food sources for local wildlife, including insects, birds, and mammals. They form the foundation of complex food webs and support biodiversity by promoting various species within an ecosystem.

  • Native plants help maintain soil health and prevent erosion by establishing deep root systems that hold soil in place. They also contribute to the nutrient cycling process, benefiting other plants and organisms in the ecosystem.

  • Native plants are often more resilient to local environmental conditions and require less water and maintenance compared to non-native species. This makes them ideal for sustainable landscaping and conservation efforts, helping to reduce water consumption and the need for chemical inputs.

The preservation and promotion of native plants are essential for the overall health and functioning of ecosystems. By planting native species in gardens, parks, and natural areas, we can support biodiversity, protect wildlife, and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient environment for future generations.

The GCA's full position on this topic can be found in the organization's Position Paper on Native Plants.



The GCA is grateful to the following organizations, and others, for collaborating with us on advancing a proclamation to establish a Native Plant Month in states where there are no GCA member clubs.

  • Alaska Botanical Gardens

  • Alaska Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects

  • Alaska Invasive Species Partnership

  • Alaska Master Gardeners of Anchorage

  • Alaska Native Plant Society

  • Anchorage Soil & Water Conservation District

  • Audubon Great Plains

  • Idaho Native Plant Society

  • Mary Jo Wegner Arboretum, S.D.

  • Montana Native Plant Society

  • Nevada Native Plant Society

  • Oklahoma Native Plant Society

  • South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts

  • South Dakota Grassland Coalition

  • Utah Native Plant Society

  • Wildflower Garden Club of Alaska

  • Wyoming Native Plant Society



  1. Learn more about North American native plants by visiting the website to find your state’s native plant society under its resources section. The Homegrown National Park website offers resources to help you learn about and source native plants in your state. 

  2. Learn about stellar natives by checking out the winners of the GCA's Plant of the Year award.

  3. Click here for the list of states that celebrated Native Plant Month in 2024

  4. Click here to download April and May Native Plant Month promotional flyers.

  5. Press kits and social media assets available on request, including state-specific Native Plant Month logos for all 50 states.

  6. Contact for more information. 

  7. Club members may also head to the Members Area to login and learn more.